Thursday, March 11, 2010

Difference between Renaissance Woman and Men

In Renaissance time we could tell that there were different kinds of rules for men and women. The important rule for girls in Renaissance was to stay home and not to go out like the boys can go outside. The dress is the second main rule in Renaissance time especially the noble women should wear the dress their husband or the guardians tells them to because a women or a girl should protect their families name in Renaissance time. The girls should wear veils, which would protect them from sunlight. The men could wear whatever they want to wear. Usually the girls don’t get educated, but in noble families the family affords their daughter to get educated. The men get educated in universities when they got bigger. Men get jobs but girls couldn’t. When the marriage comes girls don’t have choice to marry or not but boys do. The first daughter only gets to marry off the rest of the daughters were being sent to the convents because the parents don’t have money to marry all the daughters, they don’t have any other options. Same to boys the eldest son gets married and gets all the properties of father to protect them and he gives money to his younger brothers to survive because if they divide all the properties among themselves then the properties will be destroyed. After finding all these things I realized that you get more freedom depends on what is your gender because boys get more freedom then girls do. If I had to follow all these rules probably I wouldn’t. I feel bad for all those girls and woman who lived in Renaissance time. I am glad I was born in this time period.

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